Category: Property



    OUR Law Firm knows how to face challenges arising out of difficult and complex civil cases. We are a well-trained team, working collaboratively in order to win lawsuits. We are confident that we can achieve the needs and best interests of our clients. We have a team of widely known Advocates and Lawyers specializing in all areas of civil litigation from District Courts to Supreme Court of Pakistan.

    Our Lawyers keep fully engage with clients at all stages of their cases that occur during litigation. Our team is highly experienced and has dealt with thousands of cases in Pakistan with a proven record of accomplishment of winning.

    Our specialized team studies all available options in relation to cases and then advises client on the best legal option before the courts. We are sufficiently experienced and professionally equipped to fight in order to achieve the success.

    OUR professional team deals with all aspects of juridical administrations facing our clients. We work hard to utilize effective measures in order to shun and avoid problems. We take aggressive legal approach to protect clients’ rights and business plans from others’ aggression.

    We have very vigilant and aggressive approach in dealing with Civil Litigation including:

    Our services include but no limited to:

    Partition of Properties, Cancellation of Documents, Specific Performance of Contracts, Restoration of Possession of Properties, Permanent Injunctions, Suits for Dissolution of Partnerships, Rendition of Accounts, Recovery of Money and Mesne Profits, Declaration of Rights with Consequential Relief, Benami Transactions, Recovery of Damages, Succession Certificates, Stay Orders, Constitutional Writ Petitions before the High Courts, Recovery of Bad Debts and Loans:

    Our Law Firm deals with cases of Special Laws relating to:

    Consumer Protection, Environmental Protection, Electricity, Gas and Petroleum, Service Matters, Intellectual Property, Excise and Customs, Import & Export.

    Rent Matters:

    Ejectment of tenant, Fixation of fair rent, Recovery of rent amount, Registration of rent deeds, Rent Appeals.

    Recovery of Bad Debts and Loan:

    Our law firm is very successfully providing legal services for recovery of bad debts and loan by initiating civil and criminal proceeding against defaulters in very vigilant and aggressive manner.

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    Teen Talwar, Clifton,
    Karachi, Sindh,

    Mobile Phone No. +92-321-2057582
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    Irfan Mir Halepota, Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan.

    Telephone: 0321-2057582

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  • The Illegal dispossession Act, 2005

    The Illegal dispossession Act, 2005

    An Act to cure the activities of the property grabbers
    WHEREAS it is obedient to protect the lawful owners and occupiers of immovable properties from their illegal or forcible dispossession therefrom by the property grabbers;

    It is hereby enacted as follows:-
    1. Short title, extent and commencement.—(1) This Act may be called the illegal Dispossession Act, 2005

    (2) It extends to the whole of Pakistan.
    (3) It shall come into force at once.

    2. Definitions.— In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:-
    (a) “Court” means the court of Session;
    (b) “Code” Means the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act V of 1898)
    (c) “Occupier” means the person who is in lawful possession of a property;
    (d) “Owner” means the person actually owns the property at the time of his dispossession, otherwise than through a process of law, and
    (e) “Property” means immovable property.

    3. Prevention of illegal possession of property, etc.—(1) No one shall enter into or upon any property to dispossess, grab, control of occupy it without having any lawful authority to do so with the intention to dispossess, grab, control or occupy the property from owner or occupier of such property.
    (2) Whoever contravenes the provisions of the sub-section (1) shall, without prejudice to any punishment to which he may be liable under any other law for the time being in force, be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to ten years and with fine and the victim of the offence shall also be compensated in accordance with the provisions of section 544 of the Code.

    4. Cognizance of offence.— (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code or any law for the time being in force, the contravention of section 3 shall be triable by the Court of Session on a complaint.
    (2) The offence under this Act shall be non-cognizable.
    (3) The Court at any stage of the proceedings may direct the police to arrest the accused.

    5. Investigation and procedure.—Upon a complaint the Court may direct the officer-in-charge of a police station to investigate and complete the investigation and forward the same within fifteen days to the Court.
    Provided that Court may extend the time within which such report is to be forwarded in case where good reasons are shown for not doing so within the time specified in this sub-section.
    (2) On taking cognizable of a case, the Court shall proceed with the trial from day to day and shall decide the case within sixty days and for any delay sufficient reasons shall be recorded.
    (3) The Court shall not adjourn the trial for any purpose unless such adjournment is in its opinion, necessary in the interest of justice and no adjournment shall in any case be granted for more than seven days.

    6. Power to attach property.—(1) If the Court is satisfied that none of the persons are in possession immediately before the commission of the offence; the Court may attach the property until final decision of the case.
    (2) In case of attachment, the methods of its management safeguard against natural decay or derioration shall be determined by the Court.

    7. Eviction and mode of recovery as an interim relief.—(1) If during trail the Court is satisfied that a person is found prima facie to be not in lawful possession, the Court shall as an interim relief direct him to put the power or occupier as the case may be, in possession.
    (2) Where the person against whom any such order is passed under sub-section (1) fails to comply with the same, the Court shall, notwithstanding any other law for the time being in force, take such steps and pass such order as may be necessary to put owner or occupier in possession.
    (3) The Court may authorize any official or officer to take possession for securing compliance with it orders under sub-section (1). The person so authorized may use or cause to be used such force as may be necessary.
    (4) If any person, authorized by the Court, under sub-section (3) requires police assistance in the exercise of his power under this Act, he may send a requisition to the officer-in-charge of a police station who shall on such requisition render such assistance as may be required.
    (5) The failure of the officer-in-charge of police station to render assistance under sub-section (4 shall amount to misconduct for which the court may direct departmental action against him.

    8. Delivery of possession of property to owner, etc.— (1) On conclusion of trail, if the Court finds that an owner or occupier of the property was illegally dispossessed or property was grabbed in contravention of section 3, the Court may, at any time of passing order under sub-section (2) of that section direct the accused or any person claiming through him for restoration of the possession of the property to the owner or , as the case may be, the occupier, if not already restored to him under section 7.
    (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the Court may, where it is required, direct the officer-in-charge of the police station for such assistance as may be required for restoration of the possession of the property to the owner or as the case may be, the occupier.

    9. Application of Code.— Unless otherwise provided in this Act, the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (v of 1898), shall apply to proceedings under this Act.

    For more information please visit our website

    Website Home page:

    Irfan Mir Halepota, Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan

  • Property Lawyer in Karachi

    Our Law Firm offers a fast and efficient service in the following areas of Property Law:

    • Property Litigation
    • Acquisition and Sale of Property, both commercial and residential
    • Construction and Planning
    • Landlord & Tenant
    • Legal Action against illegal occupation and encroachment
    • Property Conveyance

    Our Clients include property developers, surveyors, banks, pension funds, private clients, retailers, landlords and tenants.

  • Succession Certificate in Pakistan, Succession Act Pakistan, Succession Laws in Pakistan

    When a person dies, Succession Certificateis required in order to transfer property of deceased person to his legal heirs such as bank accounts, insurance amount, stocks, bonds, Shares etc. Law of Succession or Succession Act governs the all procedure related with succession certificate.

    Application for succession certificate can be filed in the court in two ways.
    First way it that legal heir can file application in the court with the consent of other legal heirs. During preceding all legal heirs record their statements in favor of that one legal heir that they do not have any objection to the issuance of succession certificate to that one legal heir. Court in this scenario decided the application in favor of one legal heir who after wards distributes the property among other hairs.

    Second method to obtain succession certificate is that all legal heirs apply for succession certificate and court issue certificate to all of them according to their share.

    Now a very important question arises that in which court this application should be filed. It should be filed in the civil court of the area where decreed person was residing. If deceased person’s permanent residence is not clear or he used to live at different places then the application should be filed in court where property of deceased situated.

  • Heirship Certificate in Karachi Pakistan

    A Legal Heirship Certificate is used to determine heirship or inheritance of property in the absence of a will of a deceased person in many foreign jurisdictions. Legal Heirship Certificates are utilized in a situation where there is no dispute regarding succession of a decedent’s estate. If there is anyone who believes that he or she, too, is a legal heir, the Legal Heirship Certificate will be denied and the appropriate proceedings will be instituted before a court of law.
    Heirship Certificates are used during the probate process in Greece, Germany, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and many other countries.

    This type of Heirship Certificate can be issued for the purpose of receiving owed Government payment to the heirs of the decedent and many other areas of inheritance. It is an informal, non-binding certificate and may be challenged in court if a dispute should arise as to heirship of the estate. When employing a Legal Heirship Certificate, the affiant should be certain there are no disputes between the parties who assert claims to the estate of the deceased.

  • Power Attorney

    Irfan Mir Halepota & Associates provides services in: Registration of Power of Attorney in Pakistan, Drafting General Power of Attorney in Pakistan, Drafting Power of Attorney for partnership firm in Pakistan, Drafting General Power of Attorney for a company to its agent in Pakistan, Drafting of Special Power of Attorney in Tax proceedings in Pakistan, Drafting of Special Power of Attorney to execute sale deed in Pakistan, Drafting of Power of Attorney to present documents for registration in Pakistan, Drafting of Power of Attorney for executing a sale deed and for getting the same registered in Pakistan, Drafting of Special Power of Attorney in favour of two persons to execute sale deed in Pakistan, Drafting of Power of Attorney for a court case in Pakistan, Replacement of Attorney in Pakistan, Drafting of Revocation of the Power of Attorney in Pakistan, Drafting of Irrevocable Power of Attorney in Pakistan, Power of Attorney for sale of property in Pakistan, Abuse of Power of Attorney in Pakistan.


    (SINDH ACT NO. XIV OF 1973)
    [Karachi, the 5th December, 1973]
    An Act to regulate the appointment of persons to, and the terms and
    conditions of service of persons in, the service of Pakistan in
    connection with the affairs of the Province of Sindh.
    Preamble. –WHEREAS it is expedient to regulate by law, the
    appointment of persons to, and the terms and conditions of service of
    persons in, the service of Pakistan in connection with the affairs of the
    Province of Sindh and provide for matters connected therewith or
    ancillary thereto;
    It is hereby enacted as follows:-

    1. Short title, application and commencement. – (1) This Act may
      be called the Sindh Civil Servants Act, 1973.
      (2) It applies to civil servants wherever they may be.
      (3) It shall come into force at once.
      CHAPTER – I
    2. Definitions. – (1) In this Act unless there is anything repugnant in
      the subject or context, –
      (a) “adhoc appointment” means appointment of a duly
      qualified person made otherwise than in accordance with the
      prescribed method of recruitment, pending the recruitment
      in accordance with such method;
      *[(aa) “absorption” means the appointment of a person by way of
      absorption in accordance with sub-section (2) of section 10-
      (b) “civil servant” means a person who is a member of a civil
      service of the Province or holds a civil post in connection
      with the affairs of the Province, but does not include –
      (i) a person who is on deputation to the Province from the
      Federation or any other Province or authority; or
      (ii) a person who is employed on contract, or on workcharged basis, or who is paid from contingencies; or
      (iii) a person who is “worker” or “workman” as defined in
      the Factories Act, 1934 (XXV of 1934), or the
      Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 (VIII of 1923);
      *[(bb) “deputation” means the posting of a person in accordance
      with sub-section (1) of section 10-A;]
      (c) “Government” means the Government of Sindh;
      *Clause (aa) & (bb) inserted by the Sindh Civil Servants (Amdt.) Ord. 2012
      (Sindh Ordinance No.VI of 2012), the Sindh Govt. Gaz., Extr. Pt. I, P No. 494, dt.
      September 4, 2012. Declared ultra vires by Apex Court reported as
      (d) “initial appointment” means appointment made otherwise
      than by promotion or transfer *[or absorption];
      (e) “pay” means the amount drawn monthly by a civil servant as
      pay, and includes technical pay, special pay, personal pay
      and any other emoluments declared by the prescribed
      authority to be pay;
      (f) “permanent post” means a post sanctioned without limit of
      (g) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules;
      (h) “rules” means rules made or deemed to have been made
      under this Act;
      (i) “selection authority” means the Sindh Public Service
      Commission, a departmental selection board, departmental
      selection committee or other authority or body on the
      recommendation of, or in consultation with which any
      appointment or promotion, as may be prescribed, is made;
      (j) “temporary post” means a post other than permanent post.
      (2) For the purpose of this Act, an appointment, whether by
      promotion or otherwise, shall be deemed to have been made on regular
      basis if it is made in the prescribed manner.
      *In clause (d), inserted by the Sindh Civil Servants (Amdt.) Ord., 2012 (Sindh
      Ordinance No. VI of 2012), the Sindh Govt. Gaz., Extr. Pt. I, P. No. 494, dt. September
      4, 2012. Declared ultra vires by Apex Court reported as 2013-SCMR-1752.
      CHAPTER – II
    3. Terms and conditions. – The terms and conditions of
      service of a civil servant shall be as provided in this Act and the rules.
    4. Tenure of office of civil servants. – Every civil servant
      shall hold office during the pleasure of Government.
    5. Appointments. – Appointments to a civil service of the
      Province of a civil post in connection with the affairs of the Province shall
      be made in the prescribed manner by Government or by a person
      authorized by it in that behalf:
      Provided that two per centum of such appointments shall, subject
      to availability, be made from amongst the disabled persons as defined in
      the Disabled Persons, (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance, 1981.
    6. Probation. – (1) An initial appointment to a service or post
      referred to in section 5, not being an adhoc appointment, shall be on
      probation as may be prescribed.
      (2) Any appointment of a civil servant by promotion or
      transfer to a service or post may also be made on probation as may be
      (3) Where, in respect of any service or post, the
      satisfactory completion of probation include the passing of a prescribed
      examination, test or course or successful completion of any training, a
      person appointed on probation to such service or post who, before the
      expiry of the original or extended period of his probation, has failed to
      pass such examination or test or to successfully complete course or the
      training shall, except as may be prescribed otherwise,-
      (a) if he was appointed to such service or post by initial
      recruitment, be discharged; or
      (b) if he was appointed to such service or post by
      promotion or transfer, be reverted to the service or post from which he
      was promoted or transferred and against which he holds a lien or, if
      there be no such service or post, be discharged:
      Provided that, in the case of initial appointment to a service or
      post, a civil servant shall not be deemed to have completed his period of
      probation satisfactorily until his character and antecedents have been
      verified as satisfactory in the opinion of the appointing authority.
    7. Confirmation.- (1) A person appointed on probation shall,
      on satisfactory completion of his probation, be eligible for confirmation
      in a service or, as the case may be, a post as may be prescribed.
      (2) A civil servant promoted to a post on regular basis shall be
      eligible for confirmation after rendering satisfactory service for the period
      prescribed for confirmation therein.
      (3) There shall be no confirmation against any temporary post.
      (4) A civil servant who, during the period of his service, was eligible
      to be confirmed in any service or against any post retires from service
      before being confirmed shall not, merely by reason of such retirement, be
      refused confirmation in such service or post or any benefit accruing there
      (5) Confirmation of a civil servant in a service or post shall take
      effect from the date of occurrence of permanent vacancy in that service
      or post or from the date of continuous officiating, in such service or post,
      whichever is later.
    8. Seniority.- (1) For proper administration of a service, cadre
      or post the appointing authority shall cause a seniority list of the
      members for the time being of such service, cadre or post to be prepared,
      but nothing herein contained shall be construed to confer any vested
      right to a particular seniority in such service, cadre or post as the case
      may be.
      (2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1), the seniority of a
      civil servant shall be reckoned in relation to other civil servants
      belonging to the same service or cadre whether serving in the same
      department or office or not, as may be prescribed.
      (3) Seniority on initial appointment to a service, cadre or post
      shall be determined as may be prescribed.
      (4) Seniority in a post, service or cadre to which a civil servant is
      promoted shall take effect from the date of regular appointment of such
      civil servant to that post, service or cadre:
      Provided that civil servants who are selected for promotion to a
      higher post in one batch shall, on their promotion to the higher post,
      retain their inter-se-seniority as in the lower post.
    9. Promotion.- (1) A civil servant possessing such minimum
      qualification as may be prescribed shall be eligible for promotion to a
      higher post for the time being reserved under the rules for departmental
      promotion in the service or cadre to which he belongs.
      (2) A post referred to in sub-section (1) may either be a
      selection post or a non-selection post to which promotion shall be
      made as may be prescribed,-
      (a) in the case of a selection post, on the basis of
      selection on merit; and
      (b) in the case of a non-selection post, on the basis
      of seniority-cum-fitness.
      *[9-A. – (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any
      other law for the time being in force or any judgment of any court, a civil
      servant who provenly exhibits the act of gallantry while performing his
      duties or very exceptional performance beyond the call of duty, may be
      granted out of turn promotion or award or reward by Government.]
    10. Postings and transfers.- Every civil servant shall be liable to
      serve anywhere within or outside the Province in any post under
      Government, Federal Government, or any Provincial Government or local
      authority, or corporation or body set up or established by any such
      Provided that nothing contained in this section shall apply to a
      civil servant recruited specifically to serve in a particular area or region:
      Provided further that, where, a civil servant is required to serve in
      a post outside his service or cadre, his terms and conditions of service as
      to his pay shall not be less favourable than those to which he would have
      been entitled if he had not been so required to serve.
      *Section 9-A substituted by the Sindh Civil Servants (Second Amdt.) Ord., 2012
      (Sindh Ordinance No. VII of 2012), the Sindh Govt. Gaz., Extr., Pt. I, P. No. 498, dt.
      September, 5, 2012. Declared ultra vires by Apex Court reported as 2013-SCMR1752. Before substitution Section 9-A read as follows.
      9-A. – Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any other
      law for the time being in force or any judgment of any court, a civil servant
      who provenly exhibits, the act of gallantry while performing his duties or
      very exceptional performance beyond the call of duty, may be granted out
      of turn promotion or award or reward in such manner as may be
      *[10-A. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any
      law in force or any judgment of any court, Government (C.M) shall have
      and shall be deemed to always have had the power to appoint any person
      on deputation basis, who is a civil servant as defined in this Act or the
      Federal Civil Servants Act, 1973 or is in the service of Government or
      Federal Government or autonomous, semi-autonomous body,
      corporation or any organization set up, established, owned, controlled or
      managed by Government, or as the case may be, the Federal
      Government, against any post, in any cadre, in the civil service of the
      Province or in connection with the affairs of the Province:
      Provided that-
      (a) such person shall possess the minimum qualifications as
      may be laid down for the person to be appointed to that
      post and shall be subject to provincial laws and rules
      relating to disciplinary proceedings;
      (b) such deputation shall be for an initial period of three
      years, which may be extended only once by Government
      (C.M) for a further period of two years; and
      (c) the number of persons whose appointing authority is the
      Federal Government or autonomous, semi-autonomous
      body, corporation or any organization set up, established,
      owned, controlled or managed by the Federal Government
      shall not, unless otherwise directed by the Chief Minister,
      exceed ten percent of the posts in any cadre of posts
      sanctioned in the civil service of the Province or in
      connection with the affairs of the Province.
      *New section 10-A inserted by the Sindh Civil Servants (Amdt.) Ord., 2012
      (Sindh Ordinance No. VI of 2012), the Sindh Govt. Gaz., Extr., Pt. I, P. No. 494, dt.
      September 4, 2012. Declared ultra vires by Apex Court reported as 2013-SCMR1752.
      (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any law in
      force or any judgment of any court, Government (C.M) shall have and
      shall be deemed to always have had the power to appoint any person by
      way of absorption, who is a civil servant as defined in this Act or the
      Federal Civil Servants Act, 1973 or is in the service of Government or
      Federal Government or autonomous, semi-autonomous body,
      corporation or any organization set up, established, owned, controlled or
      managed by Government or as the case may be the Federal Government,
      against any post, in any cadre, in the civil service of the Province or in
      connection with the affairs of the Province:
      Provided that-
      (a) such person shall possess the minimum qualifications as
      may be laid down for the person to be appointed to that
      (b) such person shall be appointed to a post of equivalent or
      comparable grade and if such post is not available, then
      to a lower grade;
      (c) previous service, if not pensionable, shall not count for
      pension and gratuity unless Government (C.M) directs
      (d) the number of persons whose appointing authority is the
      Federal Government or autonomous, semi-autonomous
      body, corporation or any organization set up, established
      owned, controlled or managed by the Federal Government
      and who are absorbed in accordance with this subsection shall not, unless otherwise directed by the Chief
      Minister, exceed ten percent of the posts in any cadre of
      posts sanctioned in the civil service of the Province or in
      connection with the affairs of the Province.
      (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any law in
      force or any judgment of any court, any person deputed or absorbed
      against any post, in any cadre, in the civil service of the Province or in
      connection with the affairs of the Province prior to the coming into force
      of the Sindh Civil Servants (Amendment) Ordinance, 2012 shall be
      deemed to have been validly deputed or absorbed, as the case may be, in
      accordance with section 10-A.]
    11. Termination of service.- (1) The service of a civil servant may
      be terminated without notice,-
      (i) during the initial or extended period of his probation:
      Provided that, where such civil servant is
      appointed by promotion on probation or, as the case
      may be, is transferred from one service, cadre or post
      to another service, cadre or post, his service shall not
      be so terminated so long as he holds a lien against his
      former post in such service or cadre, but he shall be
      reverted to his former service, cadre or post, as the
      case may be;
      (ii) on the expiry of the initial or extended period of his
      employment; or
      (iii) if the appointment is made adhoc terminable on the
      appointment of a person on the recommendation of the
      selection authority, on the appointment of such
      (2) Where, on the abolition of a post or reduction in the number
      of posts in a cadre or service, the services of a civil servant are required
      to be terminated, the person whose services are terminated shall
      ordinarily be the one who is the most junior in such cadre or service.
      (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section (1), but
      subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), the service of a civil servant
      in temporary employment or appointed adhoc shall be liable to
      termination on fourteen day’s notice or pay in lieu thereof.
    12. Reversion to a lower post. – A civil servant appointed to
      a higher post adhoc or on temporary or officiating basis shall be liable to
      reversion to his lower post without notice.
    13. Retirement from service.- A civil servant shall retire from
      (i) on such date after he has completed twenty
      years of service qualifying for pension or other
      retirement benefits as the competent authority
      may, in the public interest, direct:
      Provided that no civil servant shall be
      retired unless he has been informed in writing of
      the grounds of the action proposed to be taken
      against him and has been given reasonable
      opportunity of showing cause against that
      action; or
      (ii) where no direction is given under clause (i), on
      the completion of the sixty years of his age.
      Explanation.- In this section, “competent authority” means the
      appointing authority or a person duly authorised by the appointing
      authority in that behalf, not being a person lower in rank than the civil
      servant concerned.
    14. Employment after retirement.- (1) A retired civil servant
      shall not ordinarily be re-employed under Government, unless such reemployment, is necessary in the public interest and is made with prior
      approval of the authority next above the appointing authority:
      Provided that, where the appointing authority is Government, such
      re-employment may be ordered with the approval of Government.
      (2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 3 of the
      Ex-Government Servants (Employment with Foreign Governments)
      (Prohibition) Act, 1966 (XII of 1966), a civil servant may during leave
      preparatory to retirement, or after retirement from Government service,
      seek any private employment:
      Provided that, where employment is sought by a civil servant while
      on leave preparatory to retirement or within two years of the date of his
      retirement, he shall obtain the prior approval of the prescribed authority.
      *[(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any law in
      force or any judgment of any court, Government shall have shall be
      deemed to always have had the power to appoint any retired civil servant,
      whose services, in view of his expertise, are required by Government in
      the public interest, for a period as deemed appropriate by Government.]
      *Sub-section (3) of section 14 added by the Sindh Civil Servants (Second Amdt.)
      Act, 2013 (Sindh Act No. XXIV of 2013), dt. 21st March, 2013. Declared ultra vires by
      Apex Court reported as 2013-SCMR-1752.
    15. No person convicted for an offence involving moral turpitude
      shall, unless Government otherwise direct, be appointed to a Civil
      Service or post.
    16. Conduct.- The conduct of a civil servant shall be regulated by
      rules made, or instructions issued, by Government or a prescribed
      authority, whether generally or in respect of a specified group or class of
      civil servants.
    17. Efficiency and discipline.- A civil servant shall be liable to
      prescribed disciplinary action and penalties in accordance with the
      prescribed procedure.
    18. Pay.- A civil servant appointed to a post shall be entitled, in
      accordance with the rules, to the pay sanctioned for such post:
      Provided that, when in exigencies of service, the appointment for
      temporary period is made to higher post, the appointing authority may
      direct that the appointee shall, instead of drawing the pay of such higher
      post, draw the pay of the lower post he held immediately before such
      appointment, with such special pay as may be prescribed, but where the
      appointment is made on acting charge basis or by way of current or
      additional charge the pay of the appointee shall be fixed in the prescribed
      Provided further that where a civil servant has, under an order
      which is later set aside, been dismissed or removed from service or
      reduced in rank, he shall, on the setting aside of such order, be entitled
      to such arrears of pay as the authority setting aside such order may
    19. Leave.- A civil servant shall be allowed leave in
      accordance with the leave rules applicable to him, provided that the
      grant of leave, will depend on the exigencies of service and be at the
      discretion of the competent authority.
    20. Pension and gratuity.- (1) On retirement from service, a
      civil servant shall be entitled to receive such pension or gratuity as may
      be prescribed.
      (2) In the event of the death of a civil servant, whether before or
      after retirement, his family shall be entitled to receive such pension, or
      gratuity, or both, as may be prescribed.
      (3) No pension shall be admissible to a civil servant who is
      dismissed or removed from service for reasons of discipline, but
      Government may sanction compassionate allowance to such a civil
      servant, not exceeding two-thirds of the pension or gratuity which would
      have been admissible to him, had he been invalidated from service on the
      date of such dismissal or removal.
      (4) If the determination of the amount of pension or gratuity
      admissible to a civil servant is delayed beyond one month of the date of
      his retirement or death, he or his family, as the case may be, shall he
      paid provisionally such anticipatory pension or gratuity as may be
      determined by the prescribed authority, according to the length of service
      of the civil servant which qualifies for pension or gratuity; and any over
      payment consequent on such provisional payment shall be adjusted
      against the amount of pension or gratuity finally determined as payable
      to such civil servant or his family.
    21. Provident Fund.- (1) Before the expiry of the third month
      of every financial year, the Accounts Officer or other officer required to
      maintain provident fund accounts shall furnish to every civil servant
      subscribing to a provident fund the account of which he is required to
      maintain a statement under his hand showing the subscriptions to,
      including the interest accruing thereon, if any, and withdrawals or
      advances from his provident fund during the preceding financial year.
      (2) Where any subscription made by a civil servant to his
      provident fund has not been shown or credited in the account by the
      Accounts or other Officer required to maintain such account, such
      subscription shall be credited to the account of the civil servant on the
      basis of such evidence as may be prescribed.
    22. Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance.- All civil servants
      and their families shall be entitled to the benefits admissible under the
      Sindh Government Servants Benevolent Fund Ordinance, 1960 and the
      Sindh Civil Servants Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1979, and the rules made
    23. Right of appeal or representation:- (1) Where a right to
      prefer an appeal or to apply for review in respect of any order relating to
      the terms and conditions of his service is provided to a civil servant
      under any rules applicable to him, such appeal or application shall,
      except as may be otherwise prescribed, be made within thirty days of the
      date of such order.
      (2) Where no provision for appeal or review exists under the
      rules in respect of any order or class of orders, a civil servant aggrieved
      by any such order may, within thirty days of the communication to him
      of such order, make a representation against it to the authority next
      above the authority which made the order:
      Provided that no representation shall lie on matters relating to the
      determination of fitness of a person to hold a particular post or to be
      promoted to a higher post.
      1[23-A. Regularization of out of turn promotions.- (1)
      Notwithstanding anything contained in any law, or order or judgment of any
      Court, all out of turn promotions made immediately before the
      commencement of the Sindh Civil Servants (Amendment) Act, 2013, under
      section 9-A by Government or Competent Authority or otherwise by the
      Police Department shall stand regularized from the dates of such
      (2) All promotions regularized under sub-section (1) above and all
      notifications, proceedings, instructions or orders issued in pursuance of
      such promotions are hereby affirmed and shall be deemed always to have
      been validly made.
      (3) A person aggrieved by any promotion regularized under subsection (1), may file an appeal in the Sindh Service Tribunal, within thirty
      days of the commencement of the Sindh Civil Servants (Amendment) Act,
      2[23-B. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or rules
      made thereunder, or in any decree, order or judgment of a court, an
      employee absorbed, or as the case may be, promoted under section 9-A as a
      civil servant against a post in connection with the affairs of the Province and
      holding such post immediately before the date of commencement of the
      Sindh Civil Servants (Second Amendment) Act, 2013, shall be deemed to
      have been validly absorbed, or as the case may be, promoted to that post on
      regular basis with effect from the date of his absorption, or as the case may
      be, promotion.
      1Section 23-A inserted by the Sind Civil Servants (Amdt.) Act, 2013 (Sindh Act
      No. I of 2013), the Sindh Govt. Gaz., Extr. Pt. IV, P. No. 1 dt. February 21, 2013.
      Declared ultra vires by Apex Court reported as 2013-SCMR-1752.
      2Section 23-B inserted by the Sindh Civil Servants (Second Amdt.) Act, 2013
      (Sindh Act No. XXIV of 2013), dt. 21st March, 2013. Declared ultra vires by Apex
      Court reported as 2013-SCMR-1752.
      (2) A person aggrieved by any absorption, or as the case may be,
      promotion regularized under sub-section (1), may file an appeal in the Sindh
      Service Tribunal, within thirty days of the commencement of the Sindh Civil
      Servants (Second Amendment) Act, 2013.]
      23-C. Appointment of Federal Civil Servants.
      (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, Government
      may, by notification, appoint a person to a civil service of the Province or to
      a post in connection with the affairs of the Province, who immediately before
      the commencement of the Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) Act, 2010
      (Act No. X of 2010) was holding a post in connection with the affairs of the
      Federation and whose services have been transferred to the Province in the
      wake of the said Amendment Act of 2010.
      (2) Government shall, in prescribed manner, determine the terms
      and conditions of service of the civil servants appointed under sub-section
      (1) including cadre and seniority.
    24. Saving.- Nothing in this Act or in any rule shall be construed to
      limit or abridge the power of Government to deal with the case of any civil
      servant in such manner as may appear to it to be just and equitable:
      Provided that where this Act or any rule is applicable to the case of a civil
      servant, the case shall not be dealt with in any manner less favourable to him
      than that provided by this Act or such rules.
    25. Removal of difficulties.- If any difficulty arises in giving effect to
      any of the provisions of this Act, Government may make such order, not
      inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as may appear to be necessary for
      the purposes of removing the difficulty:
      Provided that no such power shall be exercised after the expiry of one
      year from the coming into force of this Act.
      CHAPTER – IV
    26. Rules.- (1) Government or any person authorised by it in
      this behalf, may make such rules as appear to be necessary or expedient for
      carrying out the purposes of this Act.
      (2) Any rules, orders or instructions in respect of any terms and
      conditions of service of civil servants duly made or issued by an authority
      competent to make them in force immediately before the commencement of this
      Act shall, in so far as such rules, orders or instructions are not inconsistent
      with the provisions of this Act, be deemed to be rules made under this Act.
  • About Us

    Irfan Mir Halepota & Associates is an internationally recognized Pakistani law firm dealing in Domestic and International Litigation. The firm is highly regarded for its Litigation practice and has represented a large number of clients, including some of the largest national and international corporations, in landmark cases at High Court and Supreme Court of Pakistan.

    Irfan Mir Halepaota & Associates has been ranked as one of the top Corporate Law Firms in Pakistan by the Legal 500 and HG.

    The Firm always strives to provide each client with successful results by considering all appropriate, research and creative options. The Firm takes personal pride in the quality of work. The satisfaction of the client is paramount.

    At Irfan Mir Halepota & Associates, our team consists of a good mix of both young and seasoned professionals. All qualified lawyers, they are diligently committed to guiding and seeing our clients through their complex situations. Our maxim is legal creativity, hard work and discipline. Irfan Mir Halepota & Associates is providing the finest legal services in many areas.

    Our lawyers and attorneys are always ready and willing to take the extra step to meet our client’s expectations and hence we are considered by our existing clients.

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    Irfan Mir Halepota, Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan.

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    Contact us or For more information and articles relating to Pakistani Laws, you may visit our blog

    Irfan Mir Halepota & Associates

    Office # E-26, Executive Floor,
    Glass Tower,
    Khayaban-e-Iqbal (Clifton Road),
    Teen Talwar, Clifton,
    Karachi, Sindh,

    Mobile Phone No. +92-321-2057582
    Mobile Phone No. +92-300-8233580

    Email: [email protected]

    You can Contact Us for detailed consultation.

    Irfan Mir Halepota, Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan.

    Telephone: 0321-2057582

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    OUR LAW FIRM advises and assists clients in sale, purchase and leasing of commercial, agricultural and residential properties. We successfully complete the whole process of verification and registration of title documents, procurement of revenue documents “Farad” and get mutation of names in the revenue record.

    In developed countries people sell, purchase and transfer property through Law Firms and get avoid from fraud and legal complications. But unfortunately in Pakistan, people directly go for this business, without verification of the title deeds and legal status of the property and get trapped in frauds and legal complications.

    The best and safe way to sell, purchase and transfer of property is firstly to consult with lawyer for verification and checking the legal status of the property and then to enter into full written agreement by setting out all the terms and conditions in it. This would save you from property frauds, legal complications and loss of your money.

    We initiate speedy legal proceedings against the offenders of Land Grabbing, Illegal Possession of property and Transfer of property by fraudulent manner.

    OUR Law Firm provides clients with the best legal services to handle business transactions and deals of all sizes, including contracts and/or agreements pertaining to buying and selling property, leasing for the lessee or lessor, sales and maintenance of real estate and farms and vacant land.

    OUR Law Firm has a wide range of practice areas in relation to registration. We guide clients in accordance with the Registration Laws of the Real Estate applicable in Pakistan. In collaboration with our partners, we empower clients to obtain the rights on their ownerships.

    OUR Law Firm has experienced litigators, who appear for clients before all levels of the Pakistani courts in order to fight on behalf of them, for both the plaintiff and the defendant, before all stages of arbitration panels and the various forms of the ADR as well as representing them in all attempts to attain an amicable settlement with their opponents.

    Contact Us

    Contact us or For more information and articles relating to Pakistani Laws, you may visit our blog

    Irfan Mir Halepota & Associates

    Office # E-26, Executive Floor,
    Glass Tower,
    Khayaban-e-Iqbal (Clifton Road),
    Teen Talwar, Clifton,
    Karachi, Sindh,

    Mobile Phone No. +92-321-2057582
    Mobile Phone No. +92-300-8233580

    Email: [email protected]

    You can Contact Us for detailed consultation.

    Irfan Mir Halepota, Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan.

    Telephone: 0321-2057582

    Regular Website: