Tag: Who

  • West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964

    An Act to make provision for the establishment of Family CourtsPreamble WHEREAS it is expedient to make provision for the establishment of Family Courts for the expeditious settlement and disposal of disputes relating to marriage and family affairs for matters connected therewith;It is hereby enacted as follows:1. Short title, extent and commencement.‑‑(1) This Act may…

  • Divorce and Khulla under Shariah Law

    There are several ways for establishing divorce in Shariah: Both the husband and the wife come to an agreement that they wish to separate through divorce, and the husband then pronounces one declaration of divorce upon his wife….and if the couple do not reconcile before the waiting period of ‘iddah’ (three menstrual cycles of the…

  • Court Marriage Procedure in Karachi Pakistan

    Our Law Firm is commonly engaged for court marriages legal services. Our Support Staff shall facilitate court nikahnama as well as affidavit of Free Will, which is legally recognized and enforceable under Muslim Personal Law.The procedure for court marriage is to supply copies of National Identity Card, Two copies of photos with white or blue background and…