Trademark renewal in Pakistan

In Pakistan a trademark can be renewed for a period of 10 years. A request to renew a trademark in Pakistan should be made at any time during 6 months before the expiry of the trademark.

An application for registration of trademark filed after 12th April, 2004 is granted registration for a period of 10 years from the date of application and can be renewed every 10 years.

In case a trademark in not renewed within the stipulated deadline i.e. grace period of 6 months, the same will be published in the Trade Marks Journal under the heading “Unpaid Renewal Fee”.

In that case a late renewal, renewal with surcharge, of a trademark application is possible within 4 months from the date of publication of the trademark in the Trade Marks journal under the heading “Unpaid Renewal Fee”, upon payment of the renewal fee and the late filing fee.

It is also mandatory requirement, if the trademark is renewed for the second time it is mandatory to show evidence of use of trademark.

In case where renewal and renewal with surcharge period of a trademark application has lapsed the Applicant of the trademark can file a request for restoration of the trademark application within six (6) months from the date of removal of the trademark application, along with the renewal and restoration fee, as applicable. However, restoration of the trademark is subject to the satisfaction of the Pakistan IPO.

Upon successful renewal or restoration, as the case may be, the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan would issue a notice communicating such record and advertise the same in its Trade Marks Journal.


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